High School Academics
Multi-Tiered System of Supports
What is Multi-Tiered System of Supports?
Our Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) helps achieve our mission to support each student in personalized learning, no matter where they are, who they are, or what they need.
- Supports may focus on academic, behavioral, attendance, or social-emotional growth, and may be in small group or individual settings.
- Supports are provided by teachers, mentors, counselors, student resource specialists, and deans.
How does MTSS work?
- All students receive universal supports through strong core instruction, social-emotional learning, and personal learning plans.
- Our MTSS team monitors student progress in academics and attendance each week to identify students who might need extra support.
- Students who need extra support are invited to MTSS sessions, such as small group study halls, 1:1 meetings with mentors or counselors, or family meetings with learning coaches and staff.
- School staff connect with students and families by call or text to follow-up on supports.
What extra support does MTSS provide?
Additional homeroom support to build strong student skills.
- Examples: Weekly small group study halls
Supplemental support from a mentor to focus on academic and personal learning goals.
- Examples: Weekly small group study halls, weekly 1:1 Class Connect sessions, and weekly call or text check-ins
Supplemental support from a counselor or student resource specialist (SRS) for individual needs or planning.
- Examples: 1:1 meetings with a counselor or SRS for schedule or graduation support, social-emotional support, or family/community resource needs
Intensive or specialized support from our MTSS team or WIVA programs to improve academics, attendance, or school engagement.
- Examples: MTSS family meetings to set academic or behavioral goals and determine individual needs
What is the role of students and families within MTSS?
Students will attend MTSS study halls and support sessions, check in with and respond to contact from teachers, mentors, counselors, or other school staff, and ask for help.
Families will monitor your student’s progress, check in with and respond to contact from teachers, mentors, counselors, or other school staff, and ask questions.
Who can answer questions about MTSS?
If students or families have questions regarding MTSS, please reach out to your student’s:
- Homeroom teacher, mentor, or counselor
- Dean of Student Services Tonya Krueger at tkrueger@wivcs.org or 608.571.4105