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Wisconsin Virtual Academy: Celebrating Our December Students of the Month

Stories & Spotlights

We’re thrilled to announce Wisconsin Virtual Academy’s Students of the Month for December! These exceptional students were nominated by their teachers for demonstrating outstanding behavior, academic achievement, and a positive attitude throughout the month. 

To ensure a fair selection process, a random drawing was held to determine the winners from all the deserving nominees. We’re thrilled to highlight the achievements of these students and the positive impact they’ve made on our virtual learning community. 

Elementary School Student of the Month: Nora Fleming – 3rd Grade

Ms. Hammann, Nora’s teacher, shared this about Nora’s nomination: “Nora is an excellent online learner. She follows along and asks questions that benefit her classmates. She thinks deeply about what she is learning and is excited to share her knowledge. Nora is a kind and reliable friend, too.”

Middle School Student of the Month: Austin Eroen – 8th Grade

Ms. Wandler, Austin’s teacher, shared this about Austin’s nomination: “This student has shown growth academically and care in the classroom. He completes his work on time, participates, and his grades are glowing. In Homeroom, he is the first the share via mic, chat, and on camera. He is a great example of the WIVA WAY and how to treat others. Way to go!”

High School Student of the Month: Faith Helgeson – 11th Grade

Mx. Klotz, Faith’s teacher, shared this about Faith’s nomination: “Faith has been engaged in Human Geography since the start. Faith has always maintained great academic standing and participates in EVERY class period that she attends. Faith is a stellar communicator- she asks questions that are both insightful and ‘out of the box’, making sure that she understands the materials we are talking about. Faith encourages other students to participate. Even on days where I can tell that Faith is tired – she continues to contribute to class discussions, interact with our lessons, and greet people at the start of each class. Faith is truly a delight to teach!”

Student Shoutouts

We also want to recognize all of the students who were nominated for Student of the Month. Your hard work and dedication do not go unnoticed. We appreciate your positive contributions to our school community. 

  • Mekhi Anthony, 12th Grade
  • Kamylah Avila-Cante, 3rd Grade
  • Norberto Baas-Ayala – 2nd Grade
  • Zaylee Besner – 6th Grade
  • Rachel Bogar – 8th Grade
  • Jaylyn Boucher – 7th Grade
  • Julien Cappleman – 7th Grade
  • Chiara Cina – 7th Grade
  • Summer Dehli – 6th Grade 
  • Sophie Dominguez – 2nd Grade
  • Fiona Fleming – 1st Grade 
  • Nikolai Gravelle – 3rd Grade
  • Precious Jenson – 7th Grade
  • Bernard Kato-Cuarezma – 3rd Grade
  • Avery Kline – 3rd Grade
  • Chael Kroll – 7th Grade
  • Asher Lor – 2nd Grade
  • Hannah Shutta – 7th Grade
  • Andrew Stoever – 2nd Grade

We congratulate all of our December nominees and Students of the Month! We are proud of your accomplishments and look forward to seeing your continued success.